K-12 Tuition Scholarship

The Issue

Low-income families do not have equal access to private K-12 education.

Our Impact

For some families, educational expenses set in long before college. Every family has a different reason for considering a private school education.

GECAC awards on average 150 tuition scholarships totaling nearly $80,000.


GECAC accepts applications for tuition assistance scholarships from February to April each year. Students attending private elementary, middle, and high schools in Erie County, for which paying tuition is a requirement for attendance, are eligible. Scholarships are made possible through the Educational Improvement Tax Credit and the Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit.  These programs provide tax credits to eligible businesses that donate to an approved scholarship organization. GECAC is approved by the State Department of Community and Economic Development as a scholarship organization. Thank you to all of the local businesses that donated through this program!

Priority will be given to families in the following order:

  • applicants who received a scholarship during the previous year
  • household income level based on federal poverty guidelines
  • If a tie exists, a lottery will occur.


We are no longer accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. Families have been notified via email if their student was awarded a scholarship.

  1. The family must be a resident of Erie County, PA
  2. The student must be attending a public or private elementary or secondary school in Erie County, PA for which paying tuition is a requirement of attendance.
  3. The age of the student ranges from the earliest admission age for a school's kindergarten program through the age attained upon graduation from secondary school or 21 years of age, whichever occurs first.
  4. Income Guidelines: Annual household income of $108,444 with an additional $19,088 allowed for the student and each additional dependent (as defined by the IRS) living in the household.
  5. Applications must be completed in full and submitted with all documentation. Do not submit applications and documentation in separate mailings.
  6. Only one application per family will be accepted.

Mail applications to:

Kim McCaslin
K-12 Scholarships
18 West 9th Street
Erie, PA 16501

All applications must be received by April 22, 2024.


  • Please make sure you indicate your email address on the application. Once your completed application is received we will communicate with you only through email.
  • We will not be processing incomplete applications. In the past, we have contacted parents to let them know what information is missing. We will not be able to do that this year.
  • Please do not fax or email applications or documents. Please mail your application and documents in one envelope.


Share Your Story
Inspire others with your experiences. Please submit your story so we can showcase your success.

Request More Info

Kimberly McCaslin, CFRE
Vice President
(814) 459-4581 Ext. 446