GECAC is closed on Monday, February 17th to celebrate Presidents' Day.

Caregiver Support

The Issue

Many people caring for older relatives or close friends feel alone and overwhelmed in their caregiving journey, which can lead to their own emotional, physical health, and financial concerns. And research shows that 1 in 4 (25%) family caregivers say it is very difficult to get affordable services in their loved ones' community to help with their care.

Our Impact

In 2000, Congress authorized a new program under the federal Older Americans Act, the National Caregiver Support Program, to explicitly acknowledge the needs of families and friends in their caregiving role. The services and supports provided provide critically important benefits to ease the strain on caregivers to keep them from burning out.


Caregiver of an Adult

GECAC understands that caring for others takes time, energy, and money. A caregiver can be anyone: a family member, friend, neighbor, or older adult. You are an informal caregiver when an older person relies on you to provide unpaid help with day-to-day activities.

GECAC will help you by providing:

  • Financial benefits to reimburse for out-of-pocket expenses for personal care, adult day care, skilled nursing, and medical supplies up to $600 per month
  • Home modification or assistive devices such as ramps, stairlifts, wheelchairs, etc. up to $ 5,000-lifetime benefit
  • Information and referral on resources and services in your community
  • Respite care offers a brief break from caregiving by providing short-term support in your home or overnight care
  • Benefits counseling to review existing benefits and identify potential new benefits
  • Caregiver education and training to enhance your role as a caregiver
  • Care coordination to determine the necessary support and services your loved one will need


  • As a caregiver of an adult and you are age 60 or older
  • You are any age and are the caregiver of someone with Alzheimer's disease or other dementia.
  • You are the caregiver of an adult with a disability and you are an older relative (not a parent) who is 55 years of age or older

Caregiver of Grandchildren

Grandparents in Erie County who are raising your grandchildren—we have money available to help you.

The needs of grandchildren can seem overwhelming, especially if you are thrust into the role of being their primary caregiver. GECAC understands that caring for others takes time, energy, and especially money.

Our program will pay for your grandchildren's:

  • Clothing
  • Personal care items
  • School supplies
  • Dues for recreational and extracurricular activities
  • Tuition
  • Daycare


  • Age 55 years or older
  • Are the primary caregiver with legal responsibility for your grandchild
  • And you are a low to middle-income family living in Erie County.
Share Your Story
Inspire others with your experiences. Please submit your story so we can showcase your success.

Request More Info

Ernest London
814-459-4581 Ext. 684